O marca: o linie, o eticheta, o denumire comerciala, o marca comerciala, un nume de proprietate. Avand un brand distinctiv promoveaza constientizarea marcii, ceea ce creste vanzarile. E un efect de domino. ‘Constientizarea marcii’ inseamna masura in care consumatorii sunt familiarizati cu beneficiile si imaginea unei marci. Cine nu a auzit de Microsoft, Apple, Coca-Cola, BMW, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Ikea si multe altele?
Din pacate, prea multe companii romanesti habar nu au de ce pot beneficia prin valorificarea unor succese romanesti cunoscute in domeniul sportului, stiintei etc. Cu toate acestea, este important sa aveti un brand? Serios?
Absolut! Urmatoarea analogie caracterizeaza caracterul competitiv al pietei mondiale. Titanicul se scufunda si nu sunt suficiente barci de salvare. Trebuie sa gasiti un loc pe barca de salvare sau sa va inecati in marea inghetata. Branding-ul de succes isi rezerva acel loc. Supravietuiesti sau mori. Fiecare pentru sine. Cainele mananca un alt caine!
Un miliardar american înțelege conceptul. Elon Musk foloseste o referinta romaneasca pentru produsul sau global, Tesla! Daca intelege valoarea crearii unui brand cu referinta romaneasca, de ce nu inteleg companiile romanesti? De asemenea, grupul francez Renault a fost inspirat sa creeze marca Dacia pentru masinile lor construite in Romania.
Exista, totuai, cateva exceptii. De exemplu, Jidvei. Acestaeste cel mai mare producator de vinuri albe seci si demi-seci din segmentul premium si este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute branduri romanesti. Jidvei vinde anual peste 10 milioane de sticle de vin pe piata internationala. Oamenii fac legatura intre vin si Jidvei instantaneu. Branding-ul functioneaza!
Nu-ti vin idei? Uite una, gratis. Nadia Comaneci a fost prima gimnastă care a obtinut nota perfecta de 10,0 la Jocurile Olimpice din 1976, la varsta de 14 ani. Asadar, comercializeaza-ti compania romanească cu o poza cu Nadia Comaneci la Jocurile Olimpice alaturi de fraza “Ne straduim mai mult. Scopul nostru este un 10 perfect!”
Conectand o companie cu un succes dovedit, profilul sau poate concura mai eficient pe o piata competitiva. Se rezerva un loc pe barca de salvare!Covid, o problema de proportii titanice, a obligat multe companii sa intre online. Cu toate acestea, pur si simplu a fi online nu este o garantie a succesului. Companiile trebuie sa isi promoveze si sa isi comercializeze in mod activ bunurile si serviciile. Companiile fara o strategie de branding sunt, efectiv, invizibile.
Romanian companies miss branding opportunities
A brand: a make, a line, a label, a marque/mark, a trade name, a trademark, a proprietary name. Having a distinctive brand promotes brand awareness, which increases sales. It’s a domino effect. ‘Brand awareness’ means the extent to which consumers are familiar with the benefits and image of a brand. Who has not heard of Microsoft, Apple, Coca-Cola, BMW, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Ikea, and many more?
Unfortunately, too many Romanian companies have no idea how they can benefit by leveraging well-known Romanian successes in the fields of sport, science, etc. However, is it important to have a brand? Really?
Absolutely! The following analogy characterises the competitive nature of the global market. The Titanic is sinking and there are not enough lifeboats. You must find a place on the lifeboat, or drown in the freezing sea. Successful branding books that place. It is survive or die. Every man for himself. Dog eat dog!
An American billionaire understands the concept. Elon Musk uses a Romanian reference for his global product, Tesla! If he understands the value of creating a brand with a Romanian reference, why don’t Romanian companies? Also, the French Renault Group was inspired to create the Dacia brand for their cars built in Romania.
There are, however, a few exceptions. For example, Jidvei. Jidvei is the largest maker of dry and semi-dry white wines in the premium segment and is one of the most famous Romanian brands. Jidvei sells more than 10 million bottles of wine every year on the international market. People make the connection between wine and Jidvei instantly. Branding works!
Stuck for ideas? Here’s one, free. Nadia Comaneci was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 at the Olympic Games in 1976 at the age of 14. So, market your Romanian company with a picture of Nadia Comaneci at the Olympic Games alongside the phrase, “We try harder. Our aim is a perfect 10!”
By connecting a company with proven success, its profile can compete more effectively in a competitive market. It books a place on the lifeboat!
Covid, a problem of Titanic proportions, forced many companies to go online. However, simply being online is no guarantee of success. Companies have to actively promote and market their goods and services. Companies without a branding strategy are, effectively, invisible.