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The Crown: intre adevar si fantezie tabloida!

The Crown: intre adevar si fantezie tabloida!

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Regalitate, intriga, putere si sex. The Crown le are pe toate: si milioane de telespectatori se pot bucura de placerea de a-l vedea rulandu-se pe micile lor ecrane. Desigur, vietile protagonistilor sunt comprimate pentru a crea tensiune si drama. Denatureaza acest lucru realitatea? Da. Ii pasa cuiva? Probabil ca nu, pentru ca reteta este irezistibila!

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Amestecul de fictiune si realitate are ca rezultat un fel de documentar. Adaugarea unor figuri celebre din viata reala intareste iluzia adevarului si a preciziei. Si, conform legii britanice, mortii nu pot da in judecata pe nimeni pentru calomnie. Asta inseamna ca scenaristii pot scrie orice le place despre Printesa Diana sau Margaret Thatcher, de exemplu.

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar
Cu toate acestea, unii comentatori simpatizeaza cu personajele regale. Ei spun ca membrii familiei regale sunt inca oameni, o familie, care se simt ofensati de lucruri care in mod clar nu sunt adevarate. Pubicatia
Times of London a raportat ca Printul Charles este atat de suparat, incat refuza sa urmareasca serialul.

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar
Simon Jenkins jurnalist la
The Guardian a scris ca istoria falsa a seriei este la fel de coroziva ca stirile false. El a adaugat ca The Crown si-a luat aceste libertati bazandu-se pe binecunoscuta reticenta a familiei regale de a recurge la instante. A mai sugerat ca scenaristii au profitat mult de acest lucru.Intr-un fel amuzant, exista intotdeauna un loc pentru banal. Cand primul sezon al The Crown a fost prezentat in 2016, Matt Ridley, membru al Camerei Lorzilor, a trimis o scrisoare catre Times of London despre o scena din serie.

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Mergand de Craciun printr-o mlastina langa Sandringham, Regele (George al VI-lea) arata catre o pasare, un lacar mare, Ducelui de Edinburgh. In acea perioada a anului, toti lacarii se aflau in Africa Subsahariana“, a scris el.Sa recunoastem, ar putea o pasare exotica plasata incorect din punct de vedere geografic, sa demonstreze ca a fost inadecvata portratizarea vietii private a Printesei Diana intr-un mod atat de mizerabia, incat ea sa isi gaseasca consolarea intr-un sir de relatii extraconjugale?!

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Dar sa ne intoarcem la amestecul ametitor de regalitate, intriga, putere si sex!
Construirea dramei TV din “molozul'” vietii celor celebri are o istorie lunga. Este o versiune modernă a ideii de “circ si paine” despre care poetul din Roma antica, Juvenal a scris cu mai bine de 2.000 de ani in urma.

Bucurati-va de serialul care este un amestec de jumatati de adevaruri si fantezii tabloide, dar nu-l confundati cu realitatea.

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Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Royalty, intrigue, power and sex. The Crown has it all: and millions of viewers can enjoy the vicarious pleasure of seeing it play out in their living rooms on TV. Of course, the lives of the protagonists are compressed to create tension and drama. Does that distort reality? Yes. Does anyone care? Probably not, because the recipe is irresistible.

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Mixing fiction and reality results in a kind of documentary. Adding famous figures from real life strengthens the illusion of truth and accuracy. And according to British law, the dead cannot sue anyone for libel. That means the scriptwriters can write anything they like about Princess Diana or Margaret Thatcher, for example.

However, some commentators sympathize with the royal personages. They say that members of the royal family are still people, a family, who feel offended by things that are clearly not true. The Times of London reported that Prince Charles is so upset, he refuses to watch the show.

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Simon Jenkins of The Guardian wrote that the series’ fake history is as corrosive as fake news. He added that The Crown has taken liberties by relying on the royal family’s well-known reluctance to resort to the Courts. He implied that the scriptwriters had taken advantage of this.

Amusingly, there is always a place for the banal. When the first season of The Crown was shown in 2016, Matt Ridley, a member of the House of Lords, wrote a letter to The Times of London about a scene in the series. “Walking through a marsh near Sandringham at Christmas, the King (George VI) points out a reed warbler ) to the Duke of Edinburgh. At that time of year, all reed warblers are in sub-Saharan Africa,” he wrote.

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

But let’s face it, would a geographically misplaced exotic bird imply that it was inaccurate to portray Princess Diana‘s private life as so miserable that she took solace in a string of extra-marital relationships? But back to the dizzying mix of royalty, intrigue, power, and sex!

Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Constructing TV drama from the rubble of the lives of the famous has a long history. It is a modern version of the ‘bread and circuses’ that the Roman poet Juvenal wrote about more than 2,000 years ago.

Enjoy the series as a mash-up of half-truths and tabloid fantasies, but do not confuse it with reality.

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Serialul The Crown amestec de fictiune si realitate ce are ca rezultat un fel de documentar

Angus McFarlane is self-employed at Perfect (British) English, an English language provider located in Bucharest. He arrived in Bucharest 16 years ago and set up this teaching company. Beneficiaries of his successful approach to teaching English have
included many students at Telekom, Mars/Wrigley, KPMG, and a leading legal company in Bucharest. He has an Honors degree (cum laude), English Language and Literature from Dundee and St Andrews University in Britain; he also holds a CELTA certificate to teach English as a foreign language. He is passionate about chess, music and cats!
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